Rip: 60-Review
Rip: 60 is an innovative product introduced by 'Biggest Loser' Jillian Michaels. This unit that can be strapped to your door frame will allow you to do home work outs; some of the exercises it facilitates are usually found only in gyms.
About the Product
With increasingly hi-tech gadgets that allow increasingly intense workout programs, home exercise systems have benefited hugely from technology, thereby allowing you to obtain results at home that you would normally expect only in a gym. Efforts have been on for about two decades by home training system manufacturers to use technology to facilitate these benefits. But only recently have they really succeeded.
How it Works
Rip: 60 promises spectacular results in 60 days of 60 minute workouts. This is clearly an effort to compete with P90X that promises results in 90 days. According to Jillian, if you have the commitment to stay the course for 60 days, they have the wherewithal to help you get "ripped". A celebrity endorsement by someone as big as Jillian Michaels is sufficient to create a buzz about the product. Her 'Biggest loser' credibility is bound to rub off on the product.
How Much it Costs?
The rip: 60 program costs $120 and you have the option of paying in three installments of $40 each, without any other additional charges.
How You Make it Work?
Your success with rip: 60 will depend on your ability to stay the course for 60 days, while adhering strictly to the manufacturer's instructions. While 60 days is likely to pass by very quickly, getting 60 minutes of intensive work done every day is a huge challenge. However, a daily workout regimen appears counter-intuitive; doctors and fitness experts recommend three to four workouts a week and stress on the need to give the body time to rest between workouts.
Final Review
Subscribing to the rip: 60 program involves taking rest on Saturdays and Sundays. However, you would be running the real risk of going back to your old ways, both in terms of diet and activity. Additionally, working people could find 60-minute workouts from Mondays through Fridays could prove a tough schedule to adhere to. This system does not leave any stone unturned in assisting the subscriber to accomplish the ripped body he wants. There are DVDs to help you with the exercises and to ensure that you do them the way they should be done. Apart from state-of-the-art equipment, the Rip: 60 system also comes with a workout chart and a food guide. These are intended to ensure that you vary the exercise routine so as to avoid ennui and inertia, while ensuring that you ingest the right food.