Platinum Whites-Review
If you are looking for a teeth whitener that is affordably priced, you have very few choices. That said, Platinum Whites is definitely one of them. The moot question is can it keep the dentist away?
About the Product
In the last decade, teeth whiteners have become more popular, with several products emerging on the market. Before that, people had hardly any choice, other than visiting a dentist. But today, they have a plethora of choices, whether in terms of products for sale, or treatment methods available. While the promoters of Platinum Whites claim that their product will help you get professional grade whiteness, in the comfort of your home, it is not really clear whether it's a better choice than going to a dentist.
How it Works
The company claims that not only does Platinum Whites deliver on its initial promise of whitening of teeth, but it also addresses problems associated with conventional teeth whitening products, as offered by competitors. For instance, some strips and gels are said to cause toothache, something that will not happen if you use Platinum Whites, according to the company. The promoters also promise ease of use, and quick results. They also offer bespoke whitening solutions with individual fits that are ensured by contouring their trays to your mouth. The Platinum Whites system has earned good reviews from real users and the product has benefited from the buzz created by its claim of giving value for money, by offering 21 treatments for a single price. You can also reuse the trays, instead of having to purchase a new kit. The reusability of trays also facilitates the ability to use refills.
How Much it Costs
The company offers free shipping in a price that's amongst the lowest in the industry. The 22% kit costs $60 while the 30% solution costs $180. While the 22% kit is said to compare favorably with other home whitening solutions, the 30% solution is said to rival dentists' treatment. The variation in the percentage of the two solutions offered is accounted by the proportion of hydrogen peroxide used in them.
How You Make it Work
Among other benefits of using the Platinum Whites system, its application is easy and the number of treatments limited, to name just two. Also, this solution does not create the mess that's normally associated with teeth whitening. The company has tried to devise a foolproof solution that is comprehensive in its coverage of all the dental requirements associated with the whitening of teeth. Going by user reviews, however, the tray does not fit your teeth unless you first boil the mouthpiece. However, this is just a one-off negative aspect highlighted in user reviews that are generally positive in their estimation of Platinum Whites.
Final Review
Platinum Whites' 22% solution compares favorably with Crest Whitestrips and is considered twice as good while being priced just a little higher. The 30% kit is said to give brilliant results. The company claims that its product is superior to all others in that it does not entail the pain you would associate with the use of competitors products or even dentists' treatments. These latter treatment systems cause sensitivity and burning gums, owing to the nature of their chemical make up. We will go with the consensus of real users, in respect of Platinum Whites, whose lowest grade is discernibly superior to the highest grade of competitors' products. If you have a more urgent requirement of whitening your teeth, you should opt for the 30% solution. This is a product we recommend you should try if you have not been satisfied with any whiteners you have bought on the market or are unsatisfied with the kind of treatment you get from your dentist. Especially as the Platinum Whites system scores over both competitors and dentists in one major area -- it doesn't cause burning gums or sensitivity.