Muscle Milk-Review
The muscle milk is a product that is famous in the world of weightlifters and bodybuilders. There are thousands of products in the market for the same purpose. For this reason, it has become increasingly hard to determine which one is actually right for use. Muscle milk is available in all leading stores, but this does not make it worth the money.
About Muscle Milk
It is a product of the cytosport company. They make protein-rich products and currently have a whole line of them. They include, muscle milk, cytomax, monster milk and many more. These products have further been made into separate types. They include protein bars, cereals, regular weight protein, carb conscious products and many others. This product is responsible for making protein look like a completely different product, instead of it being viewed as a nutrient. Muscle milk is made with 33gramms of protein in each serving. It is also said to be lactose free; this is because it is not milk despite the name it is given. It is claimed that, when you drink this product, as the slogan goes, you further your evolution in a way. They have taken it upon themselves to state the amount of protein a person is supposed to consume in a day, for muscle building. They claim that, a person weighing 200pounds needs to take at least 120gramms of protein on a daily basis. It is said that muscle milk contains a unique blend of curbs, proteins and fats; this is what gives it its fine and unique taste. You really need to taste it to know that, it tastes more or less like any other whey protein supplements in the market. If it tastes good, then this would only mean that, it contains additives like sugar or its substitute. This would of course term it as unhealthy for the body and counterproductive for the gym. The reason it is so popular is basically because of the big names that sponsor it. These names include the likes of, clay Mathews, who is famous from winning is super-bowl, and world champion, Chrissie wellington, who is known as the iron man. With this kind of celebrities endorsing the product, it is impossible not to sell. This is what makes celebrity spokespeople popular. When they use these celebrities in the adverts, they are trying to paint the picture that, these athletes got their physiques from drinking muscle milk. This of course will get people buying which is both misleading and wrong. The only reason that would make this world class athlete drink the muscle milk is probably out of obligation to the contract. It is not possible for these athletes to look that good and be fit enough from simple protein drinks. The most interesting thing about the product's website is the fact that, they have taken caution not to publish any misleading information. There are also no body building models in their product review photos, unlike most companies. These other companies will give promises on their products on how the product enhances and builds your muscles in a short period of time. In the muscle milk website, you will not get these kinds of claims.
The Cost of Muscle Milk
When you compare prices of other whey protein products and supplement used for workout, you find that the pricing of this product is average. When you look at the general pricing of these products, the prices are way too high. One of the reasons these prices are not looking to drop is because, people are more than willing to pay for them at this ridiculous price. You will find that a 2.5 pound tub of muscle milk sells at $54 when you purchase directly from the website and includes free shipping. The prices are the same at outlets like GNC. Amazon probably has the cheapest price at $26 inclusive of free shipping right to your door step.
How Muscle Milk Works
It needs to be said that, in order for this product to work for you, you must incorporate other exercises with its use. This is the only way you will be able to reap the full benefits of this product. The problem with most people is, the fact that they are too lazy to work out, and if they do workout, they give up only too soon before they see just what this product can do for their muscles. As much as it has been said by many, it is clear that muscle milk is not very helpful when it comes to recovering from vigorous workouts. There is really no naturally healthy ingredient in this product. Actually, if one is to have a look at the ingredients, it would surprise you that there are some ingredients that are harmful to the human body, if used for long. It becomes really hard when you want to determine just what muscle milk can do for the body. It is impossible to tell apart a workout with supplement and one without. This beats the whole logic of taking muscle milk. It is also difficult to determine which one works better between muscle milk and normal type whey protein. One is left to depend on their intuition on what to use.
Muscle Milk's Final Review
As much as it might show changes in some users, it is really not worth going into such lengths to ingest some of the chemicals that come with muscle milk. In the real sense, you can use other ways to gain muscles, supplement free, and still look the same as the person using it. The company has done a poor job in terms of making a product that is all rounded nutrition wise. For the above reasons, it is not recommended to use muscle milk. The name is just a marketing strategy to make money.