Crest Whitestrips-Review
Crest Whitestrips has ridden to success on the eponymous brand name of the toothpaste sold by the same company. Other successful toothpaste companies have tried their hand at brand extension to tooth whiteners and failed, making Crest Whitestrips the only tooth whitening kit by a leading manufacturer to be a best seller in this category.
About the Product
After introducing their flagship product, Classic Crest Whitestrips, in the year 2001, Crest has continually released improved versions, all of which promise effects that last a year, with the duration of use ranging from two weeks to 20 days.
How it Works
As with any other product in this category, Crest Whitestrips promises a whiter shade of teeth, in some cases (e.g. Crest 3D White 2 Hour Express), it promises results in two hours and positions itself as the product you should rely on before a sudden important date that leaves you little time to resort to a longer process. Crest Whitestrips owes its popularity to being available on shop shelves everywhere, whether in grocery stores or supermarkets. This is especially favorable in attracting impulse buyers. Crest also has a top of mind recall when you see it at a store, thanks to the heavy television advertising campaign that the company has done.
How Much it Costs
This product carries a premium price tag despite its popularity and best-seller status. This is owing to the nature of the product and the industry with prospective customers ready to pay for what they perceive as a premium product. The most advanced form of Crest Whitestrips sells for not less than $50. The company does not sell any product for less than $30. Nevertheless, Crest Whitestrips is considered good value for money, with some other brands even more expensively priced.
How you Make it Work
Like other products of its ilk, Crest Whitestrips demands strict adherence to instructions by users, if they are to see effective results, including multiple treatments that could range from two days to several weeks.
Final Review
Given the large suite of tooth whitening products, in Crest's stable, your affordability should help decide which one you want to subscribe to. The company positions its products as being good value for money and even if you bought the most expensive one, the amount of money it would save you in dentists' fees should make it worthwhile. Crest Whitestrips has many happy users, going by the positive reviews the product has received. Users have particularly appreciated its ease of use and the absence of any tooth sensitivity or burning sensation in the gums that other such products are known to produce. While we would not be surprised to see mixed reviews for such a product, in this instance, most reviews praise Crest Whitestrips and such reviewers claim that they don't regret buying the tooth whitener. The fact that the promoters of Crest tend to come up with new improved versions of the product, every now so often, points to the continual research and development the company does. Also, it shows that the company is not complacent about the product just because it sells. And that serves to increase the credibility of the manufacturer in the eyes of the consumer. In a competitive market, such as the one for teeth whiteners, there are a plethora of choices for buyers. Toothpastes, gels, and visits to dentists are amongst the many options they have. Under the circumstances, Crest scores with its proven results, absence of tooth sensitivity and ease of use.