Brainol - Does it Work?-Review
What is Brainol?
We all aim to have healthy and well-functioning brains. We want to be able to function and live our lives optimally. However, with disease and ailments, that is not always possible. There are games and gimmicks that you can try to improve your mental agility; however, whose to say that any of it will work to improve your brain functioning? The following review is for a product called Brainol. Brainol is the answer to our hopes. Brainol is considered to be a nootropic. Nootropics are drugs, supplements, or other substances that improve cognitive functions, specifically executive functions such as memory, creativity, and motivation, in healthy individuals.
Ingredients & How it Works
- Vitamin's B1, B2, B3, B6, B 12,
- Glutamate
- L-Tyrosine
- Phosphatidylesrine Complex
- Choline Bitartrate
- L-Theanine
- Acetyl-L Carnitine, Bratimi
- DMAE Bitartrate
- Guarana
- Alpha Lipoic Acid
- Ginkgo Biloba
- Huperzine
- Gelatin
- Magnesium Stearate
- Calcium Carbonate
A note about some of the ingredients:
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid with benefits such as fat-burning, anti stress, and increasing someones mood. It has also been shown to help reduce physical and mental stress.
Vitamin B enhances mental clarity, alertness, and cognitive functions.
Glutamate removes toxic residue from your brain.
Guarana is an important energy booster.
Alpha Lipoic Acid helps negate the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Additionally, it helps promote healthy nerve function. New evidence also suggests that Alpha Lipoic Acid may even help prevent Alzheimers disease.
Daily Serving
The suggested use is to take two capsules daily, with meals. For optimal use, take one in the morning and one in the evening.
The Cost
There are many different packages offered, all conveniently available for purchase online. The most basic package is the "sampler package" which comes with one bottle, and costs $49.95. The "top selling package" is offering a limited time "buy 3, get 3 free" special. Each one of the three bottles costs $23.30 each, $139.80 in total. The other three are free!
They are so confident that this product will work, that they offer a 60 day money back guarantee. If you're not happy with your product, you can go head and return it to get your full refund.
Our Review Summary of Brainol
Customer reviews are very positive! Customers who have tried for years to find the right supplement, finally feel that Brainol is helping them improve their cognitive skills and abilities. People are feeling great. A few customers reported that their career has improved, and they attribute their successes to Brainol. One customer expressed that Brainol helped him refocus and stay attentive during school. Another great benefit of Brainol is that you can use it whenever you feel you need a cognitive boost. Because all of the ingredients are natural, it is safe to take Brainol for long term use. This product is also GMP certified. If you're not happy with the results, rest assured that you can get a full refund without any stress or worry. We are confident that you will find yourself very pleased with this product, feeling good and living a healthy life.