Back2Basix Yacon Root - Does It Work-Review
What is Back2Basix Yacon Root?
When looking for easy and quick answers, there are not usually many to be found - especially with weight loss. It can be very frustrating to want to lose weight and not find success with your efforts. Yacon Root is a plant grown primarily in South America with a number of health benefits. It is used to aid in weight loss and regulate blood sugar levels and cholesterol. In taking a closer look at Back2Basix Yacon Root, today we are reviewing this rich in antioxidants weight loss supplement, which is designed to help you maintain a balanced appetite and optimum digestive health in your efforts to lose weight.
Ingredients & How It Works
Primary Ingredient - 1000 mg of Yacon Root
Secondary Ingredients - Magnesium Stearate and Vegetarian Capsule
Yacon Root is commonly used as a key ingredient in weight loss supplements. Ideally, you want the Yacon Root to contain Yacon Root extract with pure Fructooligosaccharides (FOS) - 41.39% as fructooligosaccharides are a key to weight loss. Unfortunately, the manufacturer provides no information about this, and we, therefore, cannot know the quality of the Yacon Root in this supplement.
Daily Serving
The manufacturer, Back2Basix, has not chosen to share the dosage instructions online. The information on their website is sorely lacking any kind of reasonable content. This is a red flag in our mind about this company and its product.
The Cost
We had a lot of trouble finding a way to purchase this product. This product is exclusively available for purchase with one online retailer. A bottle costs $7.99 and has 60 capsules and it is possible to buy multiple backs of this product at a relatively insignificant discount.
Back2Basix does not offer any money-back guarantees which is not surprising given the amount of time and care that they have taken to provide information about their product. With so many manufacturers recognizing the importance of offering a satisfaction guarantee to allow for risk-free purchasing opportunities, we understand that buyers may choose to purchase one of the other Yacon Root supplements on the market where a satisfaction guarantee is provided, even up to a year.
Our Review Summary of Back2Basix Yacon Root
Back2Basix has created a Yacon Root supplement that is fair enough, but in our estimation not quite good enough. The manufacturer has gone with the idea that less is more, and in this case, less is not more at all. Consumers want information about products to make the most informed choices in the marketplace. With Back2Basix Yacon Root, it is next to impossible to be able to get enough information about this product to feel confident about buying it. And with no satisfaction guarantee, you will be out of money if you end up unsatisfied with the product. No surprise that we could not find one comment about the product. We, therefore, do not give Back2Basix Yacon Root a strong endorsement for those of you looking for a Yacon Root supplement. There are fortunately other supplements to try with excellent consumer reviews and satisfaction guarantees and at competitive prices too.